Our Holiday and Gatherings Guide for 2020

If you’re reading this, you’ve almost made it through 2020. Congratulations! It’s been a wild ride. This year has undoubtedly caused us all to change course, and unfortunately, the holiday season will be no exception. We are all big believers that the magic of an in-person event simply cannot be replicated online, but the ongoing uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us all to find new ways to connect with the ones we love safely. Keep reading to explore our top tips for hosting during the 2020 holiday season.


Strive for Smaller Gatherings

We’re just going to say it: This one is hard. For many of us, the holiday season is the time when we can all be together. However, opting for a few small gatherings rather than one large party has its perks:  

  • Guests can maintain proper social distance for their safety.

  • The host can provide a more controlled environment in which everyone feels comfortable.

  • Less contact means less risk for exposure to COVID-19 and other viruses.

If you have a large family, consider providing an outdoor area for gathering if weather permits.


Limit Food Sharing

The days of hovering over a chip bowl are gone—at least for now, they are. No double-dippers allowed! According to CDC guidelines, adopting single-use, grab-and-go food and pre-portioned drink servings is the safest way to serve food and drinks. If food will be prepared in a buffet-style manner, it is also recommended that one person serves food and beverages, so multiple people are not handling the same utensils. Consider having the food come from one source rather than participating in a potluck style gathering in which several people have a hand in food preparation—the bottom line: the less direct sharing, the better.


Encourage Open Communication

Talk to your family about what makes you feel safe and unsafe about gatherings and encourage them to do the same. Although everyone is striving to keep their family safe, don’t assume everyone in your family will have the same expectations or take the same precautions as you. If you are the host, set clear boundaries for your guests so they can prepare beforehand. Remember that although it may be a difficult conversation to have, the goal is to ensure everyone (including you) is comfortable and can enjoy themselves on the day of the gathering. 


Support Local Businesses

This year’s challenges have made it particularly difficult for small businesses to thrive, and we want to do everything we can to support our community. As you are buying gifts, ordering treats, and reviewing catering options, we urge you to explore opportunities within your community first. Here are a few of our local favorites for the holiday season:

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday season, however and wherever you are celebrating this year. For more holiday tips, check out our BRE Holiday Gift Guide from last year.


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